Hooks and Loops
Hooks and Loops
15th Annual Engineering Design Competition

The Mission
At the start, each team's devices (together a maximum of 20 x 20 x 40 cm in size (about 8 x 8 x 16 inches) and 4.0 kg in mass (about 8.8 pounds)) are positioned within their 20 x 40 cm start zone on opposite sides of a 1.22 x 2.44 m (4 x 8 foot) table. At the start, 9 scorable items (SI's) (four blue cubes, four pink tetrahedra, and one white sphere) are positioned on the table top. During the 30 seconds of electrical power (2 channels controlled by a joystick, plus 2 switch-controlled channels, for each device) each team attempts to attach scorable items to its side of a vertical Velcro wall. Each team's score at the end of each contest is based on the number and location of the SI's on its side of the wall. Cubes are each worth 1 point, tetrahedra are each worth 2 points, and the sphere is worth -4 points. The wall is divided into zones with values ranging from 0 (at the bottom) to 4 (at the top). Each SI's value is determined by multiplying its point value by the value of the zone in which it is attached. The team with the most number of points at the end of 35 seconds wins. An overall winner will be determined in a triple-elimination tournament.
Team | Team Members |
72 | Dev Kumar and Steve Chung |
14 | Amy Duello and Carrie Garner |
77 | Greg Detweiler and Cory Loomis |
20 | Greg Fricke and Liz Kelly |
13 | Russ Howe and Lisa Hung |
37 | Regina Cheung and Dale Parks |
03 | Andy Cashion and Sue Hsieh |
83 | Brian Platt and Yifan Yang |
56 | Jason McIlhaney and Matt Musick |
21 | Chris Books and George Chung |
57 | Anna Iwaniec and Jackie Yeung |
78 | Jim Chang and Sueanne Lee |